Saturday, August 21, 2010

Will my dog get ill from eating raw chicken skin? Please help as really worried!!!?

I just caught my 8 month old mini schnauzer with his head in the bin and think he may have eaten the skin of 2 raw chicken breasts, will this make him ill or does raw chicken not have the same effect on animals as it does on humans???Will my dog get ill from eating raw chicken skin? Please help as really worried!!!?
It's fine, many people feed their dogs an all-raw diet. Dogs have different digestive systems than humans, their bodies can handle bacteria better than human bodies can. (And when's the last time you saw wolves sitting around a campfire cooking up their meal?)

.Will my dog get ill from eating raw chicken skin? Please help as really worried!!!?
He'll probably have loose stools for a while, but it won't hurt him in any way unless he's allergic to chicken. If he gets severe diarrhea put him on a bland diet of boiled lean hamburger and rice. I also find that canned pumpkin (not pie filling) works great and is very good for the dog.
Chicken skin is very fatty so your dog could have loose stools or a bout with HGE as my Rott did when my hubby fed him chicken skin w/o asking if it was alright. Keep an eye on him and if he gets very sick a vet visit is in order. HGE can kill a dog or Pancreatitis attacks could as well.
no! he'll be fine!

dog saliva contains stuff that kills bacteria. and they have a short digestive system, so what goes in, comes out quickly!
Nah-my dogs ate raw meat all the time. It is nature's way after all. If it was bad skin, then he might get soft poop, but that's about it. We could eat raw skin too, but it would just taste gross and probably give us soft poo too.
Raw chicken and raw chicken skins are O.K. for dogs.However if your dog is not used to eating raw chicken skin, he might have loose stools tomorrow but he won't become ill.
he should be fine. some dogs actually have raw food diets and get fed raw meat on a regular basis. their stomachs dont react to it the same as our does....

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