Tuesday, August 24, 2010

There is 166 type of cd lymphocytes in body but whit 1 impairing of cd4 whit Hiv we will be ill!why?

The lymphocytes are incharge of fighting infections in the body. HIV causes a reduction in the total CD4counts (think of them as soldiers). Therefore, any kind of infection that enters the body will win against the soldiers, then that person get sick.

In HIV patients, the main cause of death and illness is due to other infections and not really the HIV itself.

Anti-HIV drugs boost the CD4 lymphocytes so they can kill infections.There is 166 type of cd lymphocytes in body but whit 1 impairing of cd4 whit Hiv we will be ill!why?
It would take about two weeks ( 10 - 14 days) for a Human Immunodeficiency Virus to sweep throughout the body. It would certainly cause havoc to the immune system. However, you should ask the top AIDS researcher in the world if it could be possible to survive over ten or twenty years or even more without using any prescription drugs. The immune system is amazing. The cells will actually spread out to cover the area that was vacated by the infected cells. The top HIV researcher in the world will be able to explain the process to you better. Therefore, illness could be avoided.

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