Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is flatulence on the rise? Will there ever be a cure for it, or is it just an ill wind that blows no good?

This question just blows me away.Is flatulence on the rise? Will there ever be a cure for it, or is it just an ill wind that blows no good?
If your flatulance is on the rise you may want to buy some extra breath mints. And if it rises to far you may find yourself with some really crappy ideas. Bad breath,Brown eyes and crappy ideas are 3 sure signs you have a back-up problem.Is flatulence on the rise? Will there ever be a cure for it, or is it just an ill wind that blows no good?
In addition to what Robert T. stated , I include that breath mints are available in suppository form and in a variety of flavors.

Flavors? Why do we need the flavor? The flavor goes in before the flatulence comes out.
It's All Right Now
Let's just set the record straight: are you or aren't you suffering from chronic flatulence?
Some things are forever.

They say cow flatulence causes global warming.

Those who suffer keep it in (or vice versa).

Those who find release find relief!

And of course...

Beans Beans the magical fruit....
  • skin
  • If Joe Biden were to become mysteriously ill, would Obama put Hillary on the ticket?

    No. Because he would spend the next four years looking over his shoulder....and wondering if and when she was going to have him 'taken care of'..... If Joe Biden were to become mysteriously ill, would Obama put Hillary on the ticket?
    That is what I call the 'Hail Hillary'; scenario. You never know. They might try it once Obama/Biden is 20 points down in the polls. It depends on when McCain hits those numbers. With the McCain surge being so success full, it might be in October. And Hill might say no. Good question.

    EDIT: Agree with Aaron s. Your avatar fits.If Joe Biden were to become mysteriously ill, would Obama put Hillary on the ticket?
    i think they should keep all the hammers and sharp objects out of obamas reach or perhaps biden should go into hiding..lol cause i at this point with obama losing his mind..nothing would surprise me..i wonder if he goes home and smacks michelle around
    Well you know Rudy warned Biden to get that VP offer in writing ..

    and any thing is possible . hey don't count Hillary out yet .
    No, because a few months later, Obama will become mysteriously ill also.
    Yes... I was just talking to Barack a few minutes ago and we were talking about just that and he said ' yes yes.. I would put Hilllary on the ticket yes yes......';';';

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzZZz !!
    Yeah, then Hillary would assasinate him like she said she would and become president.
    I love your avatar. Obama is Jimmys son.
    If only we could just do this whole thing over, we wouldn't even need to contemplate that.
    I think Hilary would laugh him off the phone if he called on her to do that.
    No, Biden would have to remove himself
    No, he hates Hillary; but, has to call upon her to help him try to win.
    Nobody wants Hillary except you GOP members because you think it would make Obama look fickle. Next.

    I swallowed so Saw Dust in Tech Class, will i be really ill?

    i was working in tech class and i swallowed some saw dust when i blow up at me.

    it was just small amount but it is stuck in the back of my throat, drank some water and it has gone down.

    will i be ill, in a few hours or even minitesI swallowed so Saw Dust in Tech Class, will i be really ill?
    no wood dust should be ok unless your hamster gets in bed with you and makes a nest in your bum lolI swallowed so Saw Dust in Tech Class, will i be really ill?
    Nah you'll be fine!

    Poepl are far too worried about these kinda things these days - human evolved in forest surounded by danger and dirt -a bit of saw dust won't hurt - if anything it'll probably add some much needed fibre to your diet!!
    Wouldnt think so if it was just saw dust with nothing else with it. My grandson has done it and he's fine.!
    I think you will be ok
    You will be fine, but you are going to crap a two by four.
    you probably won't get ill from swallowing the saw dust.

    it is basically cellulose - indigestible. but if it was coated with something, or glued together (like plywood) the potential of getting ill is a real question - unknown likelihood of illness.

    i would treat that seriously enough to go to the ER.

    if you had breathed the same amount into your lungs - that could be very different, far more likely to cause illness , discomfort, disease.
    Eating dust from wood is not harmful if it was wood the teacher gave you, some wood has properties that make it harmful or poisonous to people. Breathing it into you lungs is another matter, wear a dust mask if there is sawdust in the air. Do you not have dust collectors to control the dust produced when wood working, most power tools have a place to attach a vac or dust collector to, or at least a bag to catch most of it. If you were wearing a dust mask this wood (would) not have happened
    u will b fine
    your going to die
    saw dust, even in larger amounts than what you swallowed, will not hurt you or cause any illness. it is not very much different from eating vegetables.
    It is simply cellulose, it is harmless and will go in one end and out the other.
    you'll be perfectly fine. nothing to worry.
    you should be alright man, cant be any worse than eating paper lol
    no i work with saw dust. every day but i use a mask

    People with very much phantasy...will they fall ill, if they have to obey rules?

    I try to use my imagination to find ways around those rules I qualify as not neccessary or too constringent. Otherwise I would actually become sick sooner or later.People with very much phantasy...will they fall ill, if they have to obey rules?
    Well, let's say I consider myself a very creative person and I simply try to avoid getting into too many rules I'd have to follow. Rules make me cranky. I am well able to follow them but it's a whole lot better if I try to avoid them whereever possible.People with very much phantasy...will they fall ill, if they have to obey rules?
    Do you mean fantasy? They live in the dark because the light can be blinding, so to speak. People can go through life and cover their eyes at the ';scary'; parts.

    People with very much phantasy...will they fall ill, if they have to obey rules?

    I try to use my imagination to find ways around those rules I qualify as not neccessary or too constringent. Otherwise I would actually become sick sooner or later.People with very much phantasy...will they fall ill, if they have to obey rules?
    Well, let's say I consider myself a very creative person and I simply try to avoid getting into too many rules I'd have to follow. Rules make me cranky. I am well able to follow them but it's a whole lot better if I try to avoid them whereever possible.People with very much phantasy...will they fall ill, if they have to obey rules?
    Do you mean fantasy? They live in the dark because the light can be blinding, so to speak. People can go through life and cover their eyes at the ';scary'; parts.

    If you are mentally ill and a believer will you go to Heaven?

    I don't know if this is a serious question, but I have this real-life situation in my family. I have a mentally ill sister. She has been a born again Christian for many years, but has been sliding gradually into schizophrenia for years. One of the symptoms of schiz. can be an obsession with religion. Any conversation with her is 90% religious/spiritual content, no matter what you are discussing. So while her illness affects various aspects of her life and her perception of reality, she does love the Lord.

    Was this a serious question? Had a serious answer.If you are mentally ill and a believer will you go to Heaven?
    Ask Jesus, he has gone to prepare a place for you.If you are mentally ill and a believer will you go to Heaven?
    I believe so. Jesus said that if we have Him we are saved. It doesn't matter if you are sane or insane. You are one of His anyway. So, if we are both saved, I hope to see you in heaven!

    Yes and once there have a sound mind.
    It depends. Some people become mentally ill because of the sin they commit.
    Yes. If you have cancer and are a believer will you go to heaven?
    why wouldnt he or she if shes accepted christ in their hearts as Lord and savior..sure
    Many people will say that developmentally deficient adults (DDAs) automatically get a free ticket to heaven, just like ';innocent'; babies. However, this makes salvation man's decision when I believe the call belongs to God instead as to who are the sheep and who are the goats.
    Your ';affliction'; will only have served to teach you different karmic lessons from those learned by ';normal'; people. What you learned in life determines what you will experience in your illusory afterlife. Enlightenment however is the only true reality.
    you've got one out of the two covered, at least.

    How tall will i be im 14 5'6 uncles are tall doctor says ill be 6ft and i want to be that tall?

    because i dnt like girls being taller than me even when theyre in heels i would like to be taller and i would like for them to be carried by me to kiss them or tippy toe to kiss meHow tall will i be im 14 5'6 uncles are tall doctor says ill be 6ft and i want to be that tall?
    Well girls grow earlier then boys so right now some girls my be taller then you but by the time your like 16 or 17 you'll prob me taller then most girls you should be about 6 feet by the time you stop growingHow tall will i be im 14 5'6 uncles are tall doctor says ill be 6ft and i want to be that tall?
    Be as specific and detailed as you can visit the website

    Height Predictor



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  • Does anyone have a good runescape account i can have please it will not go to waist ill max out all its stats?

    um i think i still remember mine from like 5th grade just message me if u want it like lvl 40 or around that!!!! oh and its like lvl 35 mage!!

    Do the mentally ill have free will?

    if they commit a heinous crime? How does your religion discern the difference between evil and mental defectiveness?

    thanksDo the mentally ill have free will?
    Some do, some don't. God is the judge...we're commanded to LOVE.Do the mentally ill have free will?
    Mentally ill people come in different categories.

    The clinically insane, are just that. Theyre not sane. So whatever they do, God will not judge them.

    According to Islam, rules only apply when youre fully sane.

    As for the insane, the religion says nothing on how to discern insanity.

    It leaves t he decision to the people, and tells them to use their brain.

    If a man believes hes Napoleon Bonaparte for example, hes not very sane. ^^
    No but they give great hugs.

    Actually its a great question, especially considering that Christians contend that our bodies and brains are no longer perfect, meaning that we are relying on imperfect brains to come to conclusions about Gods and he is still holding us responsible.
    I had a Christian tell my great-uncle, who was in a nursing home (in his 60s) and mentally about 6 years old, that if he did not accept Christ he was going to Hell. Isn't that nice?
    There is no such thing as 'evil'.

    People do bad things for many, many reasons, and some forms of mental illness can be one of those reasons (Incidentally, I'm very worried about the generalism ';mental illness'; as it covers everything from mild depression to sociopathy).

    Nothing makes someone inherently evil or inherently good - you can only be what you do.
    God controls them.
    It doesn't. But if you are insane,out of control because of something in your head, a medical condition. How could you be Judged? God knows.
    Yes of course, But it's a shame that truly ';evil'; people can hide behind that excuse in court.

    I think M I people or those around them have a responsibility to seek help%26gt;
    yes and courts know about state looney bins too
    they dont always understand what is going on. sometimes they seem to though. it is like a person who commits suicide. is this a terrible unforgiven sin? i would think they are not in their right mind at the time. so who's fault is it?
    The mentally ill are all about free will.And God's will.
    Please define 'free will' and I can answer fully.
    You have to be EXTREMELY ill for something like that to happen. We don't believe in ';evil'; at all. Just stupidity.

    We are not heartless though. Allowances are made.
    In order to be held accountable you must first have the mental capacity to know what you have done is wrong. The mentally ill do not have this capacity and therefore are not held accountable... God Bless...
    They have freewill, just not self control to act out their true will sadly.

    My dog is terminally ill, How much valium would it take to end this 10 pound dogs life?

    10 pound dog with end stage disease. How much valium to end its life?My dog is terminally ill, How much valium would it take to end this 10 pound dogs life?
    The same amount that it takes for you to be charged with animal cruelty. What a coincidence!!My dog is terminally ill, How much valium would it take to end this 10 pound dogs life?
    listen her betch!!! if this dog is gunna die let em kill it!

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    This is really sad..don't do it yourself. If you don't want to pay for it take him to your local animal ';kill'; shelter...

    Give him a little more dignity than that....sad....
    You just asked this...do you think you are going to get different answers? NOT!! TAKE THE DOG TO A VET.
    0 nothing, nada zippo zero, do not do this. Take him to a professional to be put down. Do not MURDER HIM
    that would be a cruel way to end its life.. take the dog to a vet and have it humanely euthanized!
    Call around for prices to put the dog asleep. The majority of Vets will work with you to pay off the bill.
    go to the vet,you will just leave him in more pain and agony
    Dont so anything you are not qualified to do.As for the person with the shooting advice,There's even a proper way for that in an emergency.As an Animal Control Officer, I have picked up several dogs full of holes because they were shot in the wrong place!And no, the heart is not the answer.Shame on you, even if you were just trying to get a reaction.I think way too many people have access to valium.
    stop being cheap and take your poor dog to the vet to be euthanized. besides, it takes more valium than you probably have.
    That is a horrible thing to say! Just because your too cheap to put your dog down humanely, gives you NO right to murder him!
    I work at a vet, and i cannot tell you how many people have called just within the last WEEK asking this same question.....A responsible vet will not advise this, nor will they give you a dosage. It is animal cruelty, even if the dog is dying. It makes me angry that people even think this way. And to sort of answer your question....There is no set dosage of Valium to be used to euthanize a pet. Therefore it would be a guess. And guess what? I doubt it would work! Now would you really like to see your dog, who is obviously already suffering, go through more pain of seizures, confulsions and other nasty side effects of drug overdose, just to have it live?!?!?! No! I doubt it!!! That is more than likely what would happen, because you don't know how much to give. And I'm sure you are already thinking this....NO a vet can NOT give you the euthanasia injection to give at home. It is ILLEGAL. Wow.....just please take the dog to the vet. If you can't afford to have it put down, then call a pound, surrender your dog, and they should be able to get it done....
    Again, have the vet euthanize your dog !

    How will i find out the date that ill receive my check from the government?

    stimulus payHow will i find out the date that ill receive my check from the government?
    Go to the URL shown below and you will see when you get your check.


    DanHow will i find out the date that ill receive my check from the government?
    it is based on the last 2 numbers of your social security number. if you have had previous deposits by the IRS, then you should get your check within a few weeks. but if your tax refund always came to you by check from the IRS, then you will get your check later, like in June.
    It's based on the last two digits of your Social Security number. But rest assured, you will get it by May 16th.

    I ate a packet of fruit from Asda and the used by date was 1 december! will it make me ill?

    No, because I gotten some applesauce a few months ago that was out of date, I did not know it until I ate it then look at it and it said 1998 on it but it did not make me sick or anything at all.I ate a packet of fruit from Asda and the used by date was 1 december! will it make me ill?
    Yes, you will first turn purple and then plaid before keeling over into a giant gelatinous puddle.

    Seriously, those sell by dates are only recommendations for sales. It's good to be sure about the freshness of a product. But it's unlikely that you will contract anything a few days past.I ate a packet of fruit from Asda and the used by date was 1 december! will it make me ill?
    You say a package of fruit. Not much info there. What kind of fruit? Did it taste bad? Did it look bad? Did it smell funny? If none of the above apply then you'll probably be fine. Meat is where you usually have problems.
    Depends... was it fuzzy, slimy, or otherwise unusual?

    Check the date before you eat it all, next time.
    No, you're fine. : D

    I want to delay my menstruation from june 14 to june 24. what medicine i will take and how ill take it?

    birth control pills, dont use the placebo's just go to a new packI want to delay my menstruation from june 14 to june 24. what medicine i will take and how ill take it?
    there is nothing you can do to do that, but how in the world do you know you will even be when you start? all i have is a few days i go by i start around the same time of the month, but def not exactly the same day, give myself a three day window.
  • skin
  • Will my rabbit die or get ill by what i have done?

    today i found when i picked up my rabbit that there was pooh around his bum and legs he must of eaten somthing

    so i filled this plastic box up with a little cold water not to cold

    and when i got him out i rapped him in a towl for about 15 mins but as his legs were wet they looked skinnie but that is normal

    but will he get ill or die by this

    i love him so so much he is only 7months old

    thx lauren xWill my rabbit die or get ill by what i have done?
    Just take him to the Vet. You did right by cleaning him up, but you should really get him checked out.

    ~Hope he gets better!Will my rabbit die or get ill by what i have done?
    As long as you dry him off well he won't catch cold.

    He is a young rabbit and his upset stomach could be anything. He can only eat what you have given him.

    Does he have bloat and is there any jelly like liquid in his feaces??Is he dehydrated? As he has mess all over his back legs and not just his bottom.I'm thinking of a condtion in young rabbits which i myself have delt with called Mucoid Enteritis.

    Other than the M'Enteritis have you given him anything other than his normal diet? If so what?

    Watch him eating over the next 24 hours .If he does not eat hand feed liquid and get him to the vets asap.
    A bath won't kill him, but you can get poo off the bottom by giving a dry butt bath - see ';mystery of poop'; article link below. I would be concerned why he was messy on the bottom - is he overweight and can't clean himself properly? What is he eating? Make sure you give him lots of good quality hay - my buns only get Oxbow, the stuff at the pet stores (Kaytee, etc) isn't that great. Only give plain pellets - the kind with colored peices, nuts, seeds, etc are really bad for them. And only give 1/4 cup of pellets per 5 pounds of rabbit per day - no more. Give all the timothy hay he can eat - Alfalfa hay should not be given unless under 1 year of age. At 7 mos, I would mix alfalfa and timothy until he is 1 year, then just give timothy. Too many pellets will make the stool mushy. Also could be he is not eating his cecum - this is a separate type of poo that bunnies re-ingest directly from the anus - it sounds gross, but it's lots of nutrients that he didn't get the first time around, and it's really important he eats this. Usually you might see him do this at night or late afternoon - he'll put his head down between his legs and come up chewing something - this is usually cecum, and it has a much stronger odor. If he's overweight and can't get down there, he needs more hay, less pellets, and lots more time out to exercise (in a bunny proofed room of course!). Read up on articles on bunny health - I'm glad you love your bunny, they make the best pets and will give you years of love and attention! Good luck and lots of bunny love!
    He must have had an upset tummy.

    A bath won't exactly kill him, but just probably be a bit unpleasant for him. Hope he stays well!
    a bath wont kill him but if he goes ';pooh'; like that again get him to a vet. Just make sure he is drinking so he doesnt get dehydrated.

    Ill promes you will know. which wwe theme song is that?

    If those are lyrics I'll say Jeff Hardy - ';No More Words'; by EndeverafteR

    If ill be using a rectal thermometer will it increase or decrease my heart rate? pls explain?

    Rectal manipulation results in a vagal stimulus and will slow your heart. In fact, in someone with cardiac conduction problems (';heart block';) a rectal examination is contraindicated.

    Rectal exams and rectal thermometers are not necessarily associated with valsalva.If ill be using a rectal thermometer will it increase or decrease my heart rate? pls explain?
    Stick the silly thing under your armpit.. There is no need to take a rectal temperature. Stick the thing in your mouth.In ten years of working in a CCU I have never taken a rectal temp. Yes it can stimulate your vagus nerve and slow your heart rate so why do it that way?If ill be using a rectal thermometer will it increase or decrease my heart rate? pls explain?
    decrease because it starts something called the vasalva manuever. it slows your heart rate. it causes death in some extreme cases.
    Either. The anxiety will increase your heart rate. I'm not sure a thermometer is enough to cause vagal stimulation, but if it did, your heart rate would slow down.
    You do realize of course that a thermometer measures body temperature and has nothing to do with heart rate... don't you?

    Im wondering in the state of texas how long will i sit out a fine of 900.70$... And how much ill pay per day?

    I owe three diffrent tickets, but int otal it amounts to 900$.

    How much does texas deduct each day for sitting it out. Im specifically asking about Rowlett, Texas.

    Websites info anything would help.Im wondering in the state of texas how long will i sit out a fine of 900.70$... And how much ill pay per day?
    just wait and do nothing and u'll see.Im wondering in the state of texas how long will i sit out a fine of 900.70$... And how much ill pay per day?
    In AZ it is $65 per day so it might be close to the same.
    usually they apply $100/day towards ur fine. but if ya have fta warrants {{failure to appear}} the judge can/will {{rarely but sometimes}} lower it from $100 to something lower. ive sat out many fines/tickets from dallas to odessa {{was locked up in odessa with a dude who had like $2000 in fines and the judge ordered $7/day because of his failure to appear's}}
    Call the court, tell them you want to make payment arrangements. If you have gone to warrant you will pay a pretty good chunk of change in court fees but avoid a 30 day sentence more than likely.

    If god loves everyone why are there mentaly ill people born and will they be normal in heaven?

    Genetics and other issues during pregnancy is commonly what leads to birth defects in babies. And yes, I believe that everyone born with these defects and who are saved will be restored to their full cognizance when they are in Heaven. There will be no more suffering, pain, or ignorance.If god loves everyone why are there mentaly ill people born and will they be normal in heaven?
    God loves everyone and is not preferential to certain humans. In heaven, everyone will have glorified bodies, without sickness or pain.

    The issue of mentally ill people is that you are deciding they shouldn't be here. Their friends and family probably don't agree with you. And most of the time, neither would they.If god loves everyone why are there mentaly ill people born and will they be normal in heaven?
    I have to assume you are telling me if there is mental illness there is no love. God loves all if you are tall, short or different. Just because some people have different capabilities doesn't mean there is no love. Or are you thinking that God hates the people that have mental illness. I don't think if God hates you he gives you a physical problem.

    When you meet God in heaven you will not have a human body you will be in spirit. You will be in perfect harmony with God.
    Each individual is different, but mostly it is one of two things, or a combination of the two : 1. They have embodied this way to help balance out old karma from a past life. and/or 2. They embodied this way to teach those who are to be their caregivers more about love and kindness, and are actually more spiritually advanced, just trying to help. And yes, their spirits are whole and normal when out of the confines of the human body they're currently in.
    I do not understand why some people are born one way and some another- but I will say that God created them all- everyone is SPECIAL in His eyes- what is normal anyway? To me it is just a setting on a washer/dryer. I know some mentally challenged people that are the most loving people I know. They are loved by God just as much- and yes, I do believe everyone on earth will be made perfect in heaven, for those who have accepted Christ= and for those who God knows are not able to make that decision for whatever reason- will be perfect in heaven as well.

    Bears or Colts ,? Who will Win ?Ill give 10 points to your favorite team .?

    SUPERBOWLSUPERBOWLSUPERBOWLSUPERBOWLSUPEBears or Colts ,? Who will Win ?Ill give 10 points to your favorite team .?
    I am not really a Bears or Colts fan. I would rather have liked the Patriots to be in the Superbowl. But since they are not and my dad is a big Colts fan I am going to say that I think the colts are going to win. I just think that the have a better team and that they have better attitudes then the bears. I am looking forward to a close game and I hope the Colts win for my dad's sake.Bears or Colts ,? Who will Win ?Ill give 10 points to your favorite team .?
    i think the Bears will win. I LIKE the Colts and everything, and i WANT them to win. The Bears D is scary good, and Grossman just has to play mediocre for them to win. Unlike the Colts D that has to play really well, which they have been doing since their first playoff game.

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    It's going to be a great game and both teams will do the unexpected.

    Time for the Colts to break that old Baltimore curse and Manning to get that final monkey off his back. Go Colts.
    We all are aware of the plot of this game, good offfense vs. good defense (cannot call either great at this part of the season but both were great earlier in season). Bears will not allow over 24 points, and neither IND RB will score a TD. IND will focus on Benson and Jones and make Grossman beat them. Gross will throw a key interception in third quarter that IND will capitalize on.

    INDY 24 CHI 16

    PS Jones and Benson will have decent #'s but will struggle in red zone with Rex. 3 FGs from Gould and a TD from Gross to Desmond Clark. Manning throws for 3 TDs (Harrison, Wayne, Clark), Vinateiri one long FG
    Loud and proud in Indiana!

    Go Colts

    Bring it home!!
    The Colts are going to win by 11 points!
    Da bears all the way dog.
    Everybody knows who the stronger team happens to be!

    GO COLTS!!!!!!!!! GO COLTS!!!!!!

    COLTS BY 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Colts 33 Bears 24
    Indianapolis, bro.
    I hope it's the Bears..It's gonna be a great game.....
    C - Chicago

    O - Only

    L - Lost

    T - This

    S - Sunday

    Go COLTS!
    I believe that the Colts will win. The Colts are just too talented: Peyton Manning, Joseph Addai, Marvin Harisson, Reggie Wayne, Dwight Freeney, Bob Sanders, and Adam Vinatieri!!!
    I think Colts win 31-24 becuase Lovie Smith is Tony Dungy's student and deploys the same defense sceme Peyton Manning has seen for years. The Colts will do what they have done with their bookend defense ends in the playoffs and not always rush the QB and sit on the run forcing Rex Grossman to win the game with his arm. Chicago will double team Colt receivers as others have done earlier in the season and rely on the front four to stop the colts run and the middle linebacker crew protect against the tight ends. However Peyton will call plays with long routes with Tight ends down the field i.e Dallas Clark nullifying mlb coverage or if it works will still pull them off the line leaving gaping holes for the running backs to run wild. Rex will be left to find the occational pass deep down the middle as Bob sanders and the secondary will play up leaving Rex relegated to Trent Green and Steve McNair post season offensive options and they are better QB's. The game should be a blow out but the Colts will hand at the Bears 10-14 points from turnovers as lesser defenses have made Peyton misfire in these playoffs.
    as much as i want peyton and dungy to win it all, its just i get this creepy feeling that the bears defense is gonna make manningwich outta peyton.
    Da Bears.
  • skin
  • Theres this really annoying girl and ill say something and shell start crying and then her mom will yell at me

    WHAT SOULD i DO????????

    aNSWER MY QUESTION PLZTheres this really annoying girl and ill say something and shell start crying and then her mom will yell at me
    Ignore her, and don't say anything to her.Theres this really annoying girl and ill say something and shell start crying and then her mom will yell at me
    Ignore her and hang out with more mature people. She won't like that either and will probably go whining to mommy again because she is being ignored. And so what? Move on.
    Avoid teasing her!
    Don't associate with her: unless you HAVE to , like in a day care situation. . . Like I always told my kids, you DON';T have to like someone, but you DO have to show common courtesy. So avoid her as much as possible, give only one word answers, do not give any ';mean looks'; and be courteous. Act kindly when you have to be near her, and very nicely move yourself when she enters your personal space. If she follows you around with the plan to make trouble, be within eyesight of her mother so her mother will know you are not the one causing trouble. . .and don't be the one causing trouble.
    kick her @ss
    maybe you should start earasing her out of your life, slowly stop talking to her and ignore her. sorry if it doesnt work.
    just ignore her, don't talk to her at all
    stop talking to her, problem solved!
    Dont talk to her!
    just tell her mom that her daughter is dumb and to tell her not to look at u anymore
    well, the obviouse would be to stay away from the girl and don't speak to her.

    Or you can explain to her mother the situation.
    Stop saying mean things to her.
    Have your mom yell at her mom. Or, you could just stay away from that girl and stop making her cry. Yeah, that's what I'd do.
    stay away from her... she sounds like a spoiled brat! ;)
    Just stop talking to her. Sounds like she's hypersensitive and you don't like her anyway, so find better friends.
    Leave her alone. That's all I can offer since you provided very little detail about the situation.
    she is obviously a attention seeker

    so don't give her the attention and

    leave her throw her toys out of the pram!!!

    even if she is a annoying brat!!: ) !!
    be nicer to her... tolerance is a great attribute! unless she is crying for attention and not because of your words, then I would ignore her and go on with your own business.
    Stop teasing her
    idk punch her if ur a girl if ur a dood just avoid her
    don't say anything to her.
    Stop being mean to her.
    this is the dumbest question in the history of Yahoo! Answers! Congratulations!
    trip her and make her fall
    encourage her to counseling
    Don't say something to her and just ignore her if u don't even get eye contact she will be like pay attention to me now!
    Don't talk to her. If you still want to be ';friends'; with her or whatever than try not to say anything that will offend her.
    What does she do that is annoying?
    stop saying mean things to her. she's obvisouly super sensitive and you can't change that.. just distance yourself from her.
    why you want to be with such girl ? don't say anything bad but keep safe distance

    all the best !! bye

    How do I communitcate issues of the father with my son's teacher so that my son will not be ill effected?

    The father of my son and I never married but we are under ';shared parenting'; and he has some issues (according to not just me but some pychologists) In court papers it states that he is to never remove him from school. Would it be enough to just highlight this and give to teacher? I don't want to be ';trouble maker'; or appear aggressive-vindicitive so serious answers please. My son communicated his own feelings to his preschool teacher and it may work out he does this for his kindergarten also-but should I just wait for that?How do I communitcate issues of the father with my son's teacher so that my son will not be ill effected?
    You need to speak to your son's teacher, it is not up to your son to do that, believe me the teacher will listen and she needs to know.How do I communitcate issues of the father with my son's teacher so that my son will not be ill effected?
    i would show the court papers to your sons teacher and head of the school and explain to them the whole situation im sure other parents have issues like that so dont feel uncomfortable they will not feel that your vindictive they will know that you are telling them for the safety of your son
    You need to address this with the teacher yourself. This is for your childs safety, there should not even be a question about this. If your child was allergic to oranges or apples, would you hesitate to tell the teacher or would you just let her find out on her own, when it was to late? When it comes to a child, it is better to be known as a aggresser, than a dead beat.
    nope, yo should give a copy of the papaers to the schoool and tell the teacher, dont wait for a crisis, prevent one

    If alcoholic drinks make you very ill like the flu, would you still drink?

    Now I do drink wine, but only on festive occasions cause alcohol burns like fire down my throat, I came with this question. What if drinking made you very ill would you still do it?If alcoholic drinks make you very ill like the flu, would you still drink?
    If drinking made me REALLY ill no I would not drink. Now when you have a really good night but you have to pay for it in the morning, sometimes it's worth it. But it it was like every single time drank and you were really ill then no bad idea. If you get really sick and continue to drink you're an alcoholic.If alcoholic drinks make you very ill like the flu, would you still drink?
    no i wouldnt drink it as i wouldnt enjoy it, please answer my Q, thanks
    If I lost the 7# like when I had the flu I would seriously consider it.
    YES. I can't imagine life without alcohol. The thought petrifies me.
    Yes I still would.

    But in fact, I've found that getting boldly trashed when I sense the onset of some ailment often cures me.
    Well canned beer makes me sick, Don't know why. Not had a drink in ages.
    No, many that drink get to that point %26amp; quit.
    yer not so much i guess

    Will I be ill tomorrow cause i had ham 2 days old?

    did you put it in the refridgerator? IF you did then, no. You will be fine. I ate ham up to a week that was properly refridgerated. IF you left it out on your countertop and ate it for 2 days then yes, its possible.Will I be ill tomorrow cause i had ham 2 days old?
    I'm assuming you ate ham that was unrefrigerated for 2 days? Pretty sure ham was made to be the way we know it now in order to rely less on refrigeration to prevent spoilage. In other words, all the salt and smokiness added to the meat will probably keep it from going bad. Also, ham is often high in preservatives like nitrates, and so even less likely to spoil. Mold really won't tell you if its bad. The microorganisms that cause molding are not often the ones that cause illness. I don't think you'll get sick. But if you do, was it worth it?Will I be ill tomorrow cause i had ham 2 days old?
    haha depends if it had mould on it haha i think youd feel ill straight away if you had meat poisoning ahh if you do get ill go to the doctors because it might be serious..

    hope you dont get sick
    You will die. Ham - 2 days old = instant death. Or you might be lucky, some idiots are immune to 2 day old ham.
    noo, you wont became ill.

    but ur stomach make start to hurt

    if it cant digest it properly.
    aww noo i don't think you'll become ill :)!

    Ive never eaten steak (beef steak) before will i get ill?

    my mum says i should try steak because i ';dont have enough enzymes in my stomache'; so i will be sick. i eat other red meat like pork, mince and stuff so i dont see why i would get ill!!!!!???Ive never eaten steak (beef steak) before will i get ill?
    Isn't ';mince'; just ground up beef? If you eat that, then steak won't make you sick. But what eating a steak has to do with stomach enzymes, I don't understand. Is there some other reason your mother wants you to have a steak?

    (The enzymes in your stomach are there to help you digest food and what you eat has very little effect on your body's ability to produce them.)Ive never eaten steak (beef steak) before will i get ill?
    most likely, since your stomach doesnt have enough enzymes to break down the steak. try it out though, it wont hurt you THAT much.
    Listen to your mom-- you will get ill ,every one who eats steak gets ill. most people die, some just stay ill forever and never ask stupid questions again
    Only one way to find out. just try a small amount (100g). see what that does.

    Will Gordon Brown last the year, or will he retire due to ';ill health';?

    His nervous twitches are a hoot to watch.Will Gordon Brown last the year, or will he retire due to ';ill health';?
    Neither, he'll die in a mysterious donut related accident.Will Gordon Brown last the year, or will he retire due to ';ill health';?
    I believe he will not be standing at the next election, either because of ill health or demand from his party for him to stand down.
    He'll last.
    Whether Gordon Brown lasts the year will be determined not by his health, but has he achieved getting the country into the Euro monetary system on terms that his pals in Threadneedle Street will make a killing.Once he has done this his work will be over and he will go,my money says its this year.

    You heard it first here!
    I'll place my bets on a nervous breakdown!!!!
    His afflictions are due to an accident he had whilst playing rugby.

    He is blind in one eye and could soon be totally blind.
    Hopefully someone will stick a gobstopper in his mouth at the moment when his jaw drops in between sentences! Now that's funny to watch.
    may be he will only time will tell i think hes doing a good job so far a lot to learn
    yeah they are

    i really hate that man
    On his measly pension?????

    One doubts that very much.

    With a little spin though, I'm sure he could be encouraged to fall under a bus.
    We'll all find out in May if we bother to Vote. hopefully enough people will have the sense to get rid of the whole lot of them, but the alternatives are not looking too bright either.
    I wouldn't waste a gobstopper on him!
    he will do another blair act...!!!!!yes no yes no yes no.......take your pick
  • skin
  • Christians, how do you respond to people that claim that the mentally ill are proof that free will doesn't....


    There was a Bible attacker on here that claimed that people that are schizophrenic and crazy, etc. supposedly prove a lack of free will.

    How do you counter this?

    Thank you for your answers.Christians, how do you respond to people that claim that the mentally ill are proof that free will doesn't....
    I don't know how you counter it or not. Clearly, a schizophrenic has diminished rational awareness, and cannot be held accountable for what they do. Yet, most of us aren't not mentally ill, at least to that point. And most of us do have free will. Christians, how do you respond to people that claim that the mentally ill are proof that free will doesn't....
    Ask a mentally ill person what they want to eat for dinner, and you will get an answer. The mentally ill do have freewill just to a lesser degree.

    If you're simply referring to receiving the gospel then they are not accountable unless they understand that they're sinners much like children.
    freewill is on a person by person basis being mentally ill does not prove that freewill in itself does not exists you have to listen to there words for a tree is known by its fruits. they are trying to mix apples with oranges. Jesus too said do not put what is Holy before Dogs, or throw your pearls before swine else you be ravaged by the wolves.
    Menally ill people do have freewill, they just cant control what their illness is telling them to do. They cant overcome what their illness wants them to do. Just like people with cancer they cant just make ot go away, ya know? Thats my opinion on it.
    They are held accountable by God by how much they are able to know.

    I can't specifically answer your question because there are different degrees of mental illnesses, but God will hold those accountable according to what they understand.

    When children die who are too young to know God they are also held accountable based on their age, so they would go to heaven.
    God creates mentally ill people on purpose. there is no free will:

    Romans 9: 18 So then he has mercy on whomever he chooses, and he hardens the heart of whomever he chooses.
    Mental disorders are physiological conditions and not a reflection on the soul.

    Creationists are mentally retarded because they choose ignorance.
    Bible attacker?

    If free will was real there would be no crazies.

    Religion itself is proof Man is poweerless to his own insanity.

    Only atheists are sane,fact.

    johnathan:I want chicken cacciatore for dinner,please.
    Many people who have ';schiz'; still have control over their decisions in their lives. There are other illnesses where people are exceptions to the rule. Just because one has bouts outside of reality, they can still enjoy reality under medication or even without meds. Also, ask the attacker of ';free will'; how does he explain those who DO have the will to choose to do whatever they want to do. For instance, if one truly wants to take their life away from their loved ones tonight, isn't it possible for them to do so; or not to do so, should they choose not to take their lives.

    you know, you can't satisfy everyones mind and you can't appease everyone out there. But suffice it to know that many Christians , including myself have chosen to live a life of repentence and belief in God and great rewards have blessed us abundantly because of our right choices in enjoying our ';free will.'; Whatever you decide, make it your decision and not because myself or anyone else encouraged or discouraged YOU. Do it because you're willing to love outside of your safety zone. Do it because you want better in life. Do it because you want better for your loved ones and you can be an example as so many millions of We Christians are!

    Do you think Cho's videos will lead to a worsening of peoples views of mentally ill loners or will it help

    people to have a greater understanding and more care?

    I personally am a mentally ill loner diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic but would never be violent to anyone but its made me fear what the neighbours and others think, because I don't talk to them apart from when she mentions the weather and says hello, i respond. They know I am in my house a lot and always on my own.Do you think Cho's videos will lead to a worsening of peoples views of mentally ill loners or will it help
    As long as you are taking your medication and you are under the care of and monitored by doctors, you should be fine. If you ever feel like something is wrong, please notify them so that they may take care of you and make sure that you don't harm yourself or anyone else. Good luck to you.Do you think Cho's videos will lead to a worsening of peoples views of mentally ill loners or will it help
    I have been aware of some very brilliant, productive people with your diagnosis- some who can tell the difference between reality and their hallucinatory episodes. I'm sure most people with certain mental illnesses don't commit crimes. Being a loner isn't a crime.

    I am tired, however, of waiting for the medical community and law enforcement to only act when a crime has been committed.

    Sometimes people choose to get help and sometimes they stop their meds and they lose their way for awhile or choose not to get help- how do the rest of us monitor that?

    There has to be some way of protecting the majority of us from the few that would be perpetrators of crimes- without violating the human rights of the mentally ill. Not everyone has a wonderful support system either.

    Some people give obvious things away or express violence-those are the easy cases.

    That young man was reported on a few ocassions for inappropriate or scary behavior and all they did was speak to him because that is all they could do.

    I would like to know what YOU think about prevention/intervention to keep the rest of us safe? I would be curious to know if you ever initiate conversations about the weather or say hello when you see your neighbors also or why not?

    I'm not sure about allowing the sale of weapons to the mentally ill- but that is another violation of our right to bear arms- Hell, we've all ready lost a big part of our right to free speech! Oh well- stay well and good luck. I will not discriminate and I will try to be understanding.
    could possibly make things worse for you. But if your neighbours know you well enough then they should have no reason to fear you.
    I think what happened in that School is terrible and tragic. The person I have most compassion for is the killer. What a dreadful mental state he must have been in. What was it that made him so mentally ill and why the hell wasn't he helped sooner?

    Regarding yourself, who gives a crap what people think of you. Number 1: If they judge you, they are not very nice people. Number 2: If they judge you more harshly because of what someone else has done, then they are even more ignorant and stupid and are not worth the worry. You have shown you are gentle and compassionate because you are worrying about the effects of the terrible tragedy in Virginia. If people fail to recognise that, then screw them!

    People will think what they think and you worrying about it will achieve nothing. So go about your business and stop worrying.
    Hi Jonno,

    I have the same diagnosis as you but am getting better all the time, thank providence. It is a b*tch when someone goes gonzoid like that, thankfully it is very rare. The ones to watch out for are normal people, 10% of them cause 80% of crime, us crazies only cause 0.007 of all crime. (This is not a statistical overstatement) We have more to fear from them than they do from us, I tell you my friend.

    From what I hear, the one thing that made this chap do what he did was that he was taking SSRI antidepressants.

    In a significant minority of cases, they provoke VERY violent thoughts and actions in people. I have experienced this myself, I only got though it with help from my friends, I stopped taking them and all was well.

    I hope you feel more human soon, it is an awful thing to deal with, may the grace of God walk with you.
    I don't know. Mental illness is so hard for some people to deal with. When someone mentally ill commits a violent crime, people get the idea that everyone who has a mental illness, such as depression can become violent and this is just not true.

    Personally I don't think the video should have been shown to the public, but that is only my opinion and I know people want answers to this tragedy.
    That is a very good question. So far the media have been making a huge issue out of his race as well.

    People are generally frightened of what they don't understand, and usually make stereotypes out of it all. This makes life more difficult for those of us struggling with mental illness.

    Yes, beyond shadow of doubt, he was was highly disturbed, but he was not typical of most mentally ill people.
    I think people are going to feel as they feel regardless. I am also a person who stays inside alot, I do not feel that everyone diaganoised with any form of mental illness will become a person to hurt. It is more than just the illness itself that makes some one do what cho did. I talk to people when i see them but do not go out of my way to visit. I enjoy time alone as I am a single parent with three children. I don;t think your neighbours will feel that way. They may just be trying to get to know you and by small talk they may hope you will do your part to get to know them better. Everyone is different in personality and social status. I don't feel you have to be out all the time partying or socializing. If you fell comfortable being on your own, enjoy it. If you feel the need to go out and meet and greet people, go for it, We all have the right to choose who and when we socialize with others. Just enjoy your life. Never worry about what others think, enjoy being who you are.
    I always worry when tragedy's like this occur because there are so many followers in the world. It is like they set an example and start a trend... you just watch, I am sure there will be a couple of little copy cat situations happen in the following day. That is where I think the video may not be of any help, but for people like yourself, maybe it can help. You just said, you would never hurt anyone, so the video did actually get you thinking about things. Lets just hope for the best, and I hope that you can get the appropriate help to come out of your shell and live a joyfull life as well! Good luck!
    Most people never suspect somebody will go on a killing rampage unless they have obvious signs(intense hate towards humanity/peers, fascination with guns/violence, repeated mentions of violent retribution).

    A common response is ';I never would I have guessed he'd do that!';

    Rarely if ever does anybody say ';Damn, I always knew that kid would go psycho one day!';
    Johnno, I really hope your neighbours have a good enough sense of you to know you are not going to do anything violent. But you raise very important issues. There does seem to be (in the UK, anyway) a general and ill-informed belief that anyone who is a bit different is necessarily dangerous, and certainly what was said on both sides of the Atlantic after the shooting seemed quite lunatic when it suggested that anyone who is somewhat odd should be locked up. I would love people to have more understanding but there seems to be a general simplistic approach by much of the general public and the medical profession.

    I was astounded to see someone else on here suggest that preventing the sale of guns would infringe some form of 'rights'. Surely the way we should act as a caring and democratic society is to do all we can to prevent vulnerable people suffering - and in my book that includes ensuring that potentially volatile people (most of us, at one time or another) cannot get hold of and use lethal weapons.

    I didn't claim Rent relief last year and wondering how long it will take and how much of a refund Ill recieve?

    I paid 鈧?00 a month since April 2008....I didn't claim Rent relief last year and wondering how long it will take and how much of a refund Ill recieve?
    You will need to fill out the following form (http://www.revenue.ie/en/tax/it/forms/rent1.pdf ) and return in to your local revenue office.

    The tax credit for a single person under the age of 55 in 2008 is 鈧?00. Assuming you paid over 鈧?00 of income tax last year, you will be entitled to this amount as a refund. This refund is normally paid into your weekly/monthly paycheck via your employer.

    It should take approximately four weeks to appear in your wages. If you are currently paying rent to a private landlord you will also be able to claim for a refund for 2009 - you will be required to fill out a second copy of the above form to claim for this amount.

    There is 166 type of cd lymphocytes in body but whit 1 impairing of cd4 whit Hiv we will be ill!why?

    The lymphocytes are incharge of fighting infections in the body. HIV causes a reduction in the total CD4counts (think of them as soldiers). Therefore, any kind of infection that enters the body will win against the soldiers, then that person get sick.

    In HIV patients, the main cause of death and illness is due to other infections and not really the HIV itself.

    Anti-HIV drugs boost the CD4 lymphocytes so they can kill infections.There is 166 type of cd lymphocytes in body but whit 1 impairing of cd4 whit Hiv we will be ill!why?
    It would take about two weeks ( 10 - 14 days) for a Human Immunodeficiency Virus to sweep throughout the body. It would certainly cause havoc to the immune system. However, you should ask the top AIDS researcher in the world if it could be possible to survive over ten or twenty years or even more without using any prescription drugs. The immune system is amazing. The cells will actually spread out to cover the area that was vacated by the infected cells. The top HIV researcher in the world will be able to explain the process to you better. Therefore, illness could be avoided.

    Will someone send me a link of a football page that has the history of it and how its made ill choose bstanswr

    ill choose u as the best answer if it supplies me with proper info ...kk thx btw this is for a school porject... kk thxWill someone send me a link of a football page that has the history of it and how its made ill choose bstanswr
    Here is a great site...


    Tomarrow ill be going to my aunt and uncle house to sleep over . i will be sleeping in the guess room ,but i?

    but i dont have no ideas what i should bring there that will keep me busy. i'm going there for 2 nights to watch their dog when theyre gone and for thanksgiving day i ll be staying their house again to takecare of their dog when theyre out town next week. so can you tell me what i should do when i dont bored .Tomarrow ill be going to my aunt and uncle house to sleep over . i will be sleeping in the guess room ,but i?
    Bring your changes of clothes and basic hygiene gear of course.

    If you have a laptop, bring that and a few movies and games. If you have an ipod, you could bring that as well. Some good books might keep you company. And, if you are in school, your homework. Your aunt and uncle should have tv access. Ask them if they have internet access and if it would be okay if you used it.Tomarrow ill be going to my aunt and uncle house to sleep over . i will be sleeping in the guess room ,but i?
    I'd say introduce yourself to their neighbors and may be invite them for coffee or something.
    laptop, dvd, books, cell phone.
  • skin
  • Will sanding the tips of my guitar picks help any with my fast runs and fast triads and any ill-effects?

    I have been doing a great deal of fast runs and fast triads and i hear i can sand the tips of my picks to help the pick grip the string better allowing me to go faster. Any truth to it?Will sanding the tips of my guitar picks help any with my fast runs and fast triads and any ill-effects?
    My brother says yes, and he is a guitar enthusiast.Will sanding the tips of my guitar picks help any with my fast runs and fast triads and any ill-effects?
    It will have a similar effect to using a very thin pick.You can expect if you play very fast say like Malmsteen you might wind up shredding the pick.But anyways try it out picks are cheap.Have fun!

    Why is Zimbabwe allowed to carry on like this? If you read the link you will feel ill, those poor animals.?


    On Bubiana an estimated 30,000 animals have been killed in the past 18 months. Many have had only their limbs cut off for the poacher鈥檚 pot leaving the rest of the carcass to wastefully rot.

    As well as the loss of animals, the destruction of habitat has been severe. Bubiana has lost an estimated 240,000 trees in the clearing of land for subsistence plots whilst 50% of Chiredzi鈥檚 270,000 acres have been destroyed. Rob Style, Chiredzi鈥檚 Vice Chairman, reports, 鈥楾he worst thing is the Mopane forests, which take years and years to regenerate, are being hammered really hard. Big chunks of forest are being cut down and burnt, opening up the bush, and exposing vast tracts of soil to erosion. A whole ecosystem is being destroyed.鈥?A 5,000 hectare property on Chiredzi has been entirely burnt out. Says Theresa Warth, 鈥業t all went up in a day and they鈥檙e still burning what鈥檚 left now. Burnt land is easier to poach than thickWhy is Zimbabwe allowed to carry on like this? If you read the link you will feel ill, those poor animals.?
    Due to the difference in living conditions (poverty,war,dependence on weather for crops,etc) they value things differently. They aren't as worried about selling definite kills of lions and other native creatures to rich hunters (the thing that I want to know is where in the world the hunters originate, maybe they should punish from that country thus decreasing the hunters available,huge fines and possible jail time would be excellent deterrents to western rich boys who are trigger happy).

    I too am appalled by this but while hunters are bringing money into the country countries like this will never change, they will continue to destroy forests and flatten land to make it easier on the hunters. We should try to do something from our side of the world be it the US,UK,Germany,China... we have laws that stop people traveling to use the child sex trade so why not a law to protect our environment?Why is Zimbabwe allowed to carry on like this? If you read the link you will feel ill, those poor animals.?
    The west lacks the moral confidence to criticise a black government. The Chinese, who wield increasing power in Zimbabwe, are encouraging this trade. The animals are in big trouble, alright.

    Regards, Steve.
    bcoz there black they get away with it, same where i live
    It is a pity that people turn a blind eye to this kind of destruction and cruelty. I believe that a lot of the big game hunters come from first world countries. They pay big money to hunt for trophies. In south Africa we have a lot of problems with canned lion hunting farms. These lions are kept under cruel unnatural conditions to become a trophy for rich hunters. In Zimbabwe the people who do the cruel deeds to animals are just stupid. They have no clear long term vision other than take and destroy what once belonged to the white man.

    Husband is very, very ill and I take care of him( no one else including his family will care for him)?

    I do alot for him including taking him to chemo and last night he called me a B#$#@! and is getting really cranky. This is difficult. Would you blow it off or what?Husband is very, very ill and I take care of him( no one else including his family will care for him)?
    As hard as it is, you will have to try and blow it off. His crankiness is not directly related to you, it is due to his illness. He may feel hopeless and aggravated that he is dependent on you. Try to take it with a grain of salt and not let it bother you. Good luck!Husband is very, very ill and I take care of him( no one else including his family will care for him)?
    Yes, I would blow it off. Remember he is ill and not feeling well, therefore not himself. You need to find a way to get some help if it is getting to be too much for you. You need to get out and away from him even if it is only for an hour. You will both feel better about this situation if you get a break
    what do you think??

    Do you think this will make me ill?

    im taking prolcholzapine 5mg for vertigo,anyway its my engagement party tommorrow and i want to be able to drink alcohol,so today and tommorow i wont be taking my tablets,will i be okay to drink,the last time i took my tablets was wednesday at 6 o clock pm?Do you think this will make me ill?
    You should never suddenly stop taking any medication, especially a psychiatric one, without consulting with your doctor.

    Even on low doses our bodies can react badly to sudden withdrawls. Usually to get off a medication there is a gradual reduction done so the body can adjust. You don't say how long you've been on it or how bad your vertigo is. Now you want to add alcohol. I'm not sure what that may do to you.

    Sudden withdrawl of the medication I take can cause seizures and if I have one and hit my head falling to the floor I can bleed to death fairly quickly. Just an example of thinking things through...

    Do you think this will make me ill?

    im taking prolcholzapine 5mg for vertigo,anyway its my engagement party tommorrow and i want to be able to drink alcohol,so today and tommorow i wont be taking my tablets,will i be okay to drink,the last time i took my tablets was wednesday at 6 o clock pm?Do you think this will make me ill?
    Drinking is not good with vertigo. I got vertigo a couple of times. It was due to dehydration. Alcohol will dehydrate you somewhat. If you have to drink, do it in moderation.

    If you catch swine flu how long will you be ill for?

    Probably no more that 10 days, but the government are saying it;s reasonable to take a period of sickness for up to 2 weeks.If you catch swine flu how long will you be ill for?
    Depends on the severity of the swine flu. Look at Rupert Grint, you got over it in less than a week. Well others never do and unfortunately pass away. It also depends on where you live as well as countries with lower sanitation and living standards are more likely to suffer worse.If you catch swine flu how long will you be ill for?
    In total, 2 weeks or so. Acutely , generally 4-6 days. The use of anti-virals (ie: Tamiflu) will generally decrease the duration of the acute phase by about a day. Which when dealing with a bad flu is worth it.
  • skin
  • Would you bet 1000 dollars that obama will win the election? Ill hold the kitty.?

    definitely yes, that is if the election was held fairly without tipping the scales in the interest of the republicans.. like alwaysWould you bet 1000 dollars that obama will win the election? Ill hold the kitty.?
    You can bet 1000 but you won't gain 1000 back because casinos give a ratio based on odds of winning -- Though you can probably get close to even odds on Missouri or other swing statesWould you bet 1000 dollars that obama will win the election? Ill hold the kitty.?
    If he does win we will have to give $1000 to someone who didn't earn it anyway, why not? It's not like I need $1000 to pay bills or go to college or anything.
    No but I would bet $1000.00 that no matter who wins this country will look like Bosnia inside of two years.

    Bank on that. The American pretense to civility is over...it is only gonna get worse.
    Actually, it'd only be $610.47 after taxes. Kitty? Is that what they're calling it nowadays?
    I am voting for Obama because I don't have $1,000 Dollars.
    Aw.....let me hold the kitty. Then, if Obama wins, I'll have the money to go live in Belize! See ya!
    Of course you will hold the kitty. You're a democrat, you are always thinking of ways to take and spend my money!
    Thanks to the republican that has been in office for the past 8 years, I don't HAVE $1000 to bet with....
    no, the election is still close
    my moneys on obama too
    I think so .
    i would if i had it
    no way....never been a gambler
    will everyone get a piece of the pot if he wins?

    I just ate...will i be ill?

    I made beef lasagne last night so its was made say 18 hours ago, my mum left it out in the kitchen with a dinner plate over it, NOT in the fridge like it should be!...it was just too tempting, so I cooked it on defrost for about 3 minutes and on full power for about 2mins (in the microwave) it was sure hot!

    but will I still be ill??I just ate...will i be ill?
    you can get ill for two reasons... one is bacteria that can infect your system... since you microwaved it so it was really hot you obviously killed all that.... The other way to get ill is by the toxins the bacteria create as a by-product of their activity. You would know right away if there where toxins in the food, it would SMELL!!! and since you said already that it was too tempting I am asuming that the smell was a good smell and not one of infected toxic food.

    You should be fineI just ate...will i be ill?
    Nope. It's ok. You've made it so hot, there won't be any probs. I also dun always put the food inside the fridge. It's cold enough inside my kitchen.
    no...doesnt matter,u wont get sick!!!
    No, the body has enough antibodies to combat simple germs.

    Eat and enjoy!
    if you do get ill (and it is possible) it will be the cheeses in it, not the beef. dairy products go bad easily

    Fidel castro is ill, what do you think will happen to cuba?

    Castro has done one of the few things that most leaders never do. He has planned for the future that will follow his leadership.

    A keen student of history, Castro understands that Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, and Saladin all failed to implement measures to insure that the society they created would last after their deaths. For that reason, Castro has looked at ways to solidify policies and legislation which will solidify the rules of state despite the failures of it's leader(s). After Castro leaves power, the government as it exists will carry on, and provide guidelines for future leaders.

    Eventually, Cuba might have to re-evaluate it's government, and even change from a communist state to something else. In the immediate future (the next 40 years, perhaps longer) it is not likely that Cuba will change from a communist state. The only events which will change the nature of Cuba is foreign relations, with the US, Mexico, and other nations in the region.Fidel castro is ill, what do you think will happen to cuba?
    His brother will take charge. Look at todays headlines.Fidel castro is ill, what do you think will happen to cuba?
    The island will carry on as usual.
    If he dies so dies the revolution. Can't wait for the cigars!
    I hope the U.S invade again, but this time done it right, and help those people get back in time. Maybe Bush forget a little about Irak and entertain in Cuba.
    oh, dear!!!! is disgusting to see people not realizing that the Cuban poeple is behind Castro's government!!!! Cuba will reamin as it is and will keep the plans to develop society as they are doing rigth now. maybe in your world Cuba will change to a ';flag's star'; but in the real world Cuba will remain as a free island which chalenges the biggest power history has known.
    maybe a new state
    A united town, never he will be beaten...

    Only the crystals crack,

    The men die from foot,

    and the town of Cuba next to his commander

    nobody will be able to defeat him...
    I think his brother is just a puppet - and will not last. There is roughly 10 times the amount of Cuban-American money waiting to return - Raul is nothing but a shell of Castro and the entire revolution revolves around Castro himself - and through brutality.

    Our foreign policy is centered around Castro - not the Cuban people - and it would lift bans, embargos, etc - the moment he dies and a coup occurs, again through Cuban American wealth.
    His brother Raul will resume power.Over the last several years, Ra煤l Castro has increasingly placed military officers in key positions in the Cuban Politburo, the CPC, and in other positions of power. It is believed that these men will remain loyal to him. They owe their positions of privilege to Ra煤l.
    Baseball will return to Cuba? Q. Bay will close and send the Americans packing? Why do we have a Navy port on a Communist Island in the first place? Rush Limbaugh will be invited down there for some television ad campaigns promoting Cuban cigars?

    I feel really ill i keep puking and have no energy any ideas which will help make me feel better ( by the way?

    please anything will do except reading !!I feel really ill i keep puking and have no energy any ideas which will help make me feel better ( by the way?
    You have something called influenza... the FluI feel really ill i keep puking and have no energy any ideas which will help make me feel better ( by the way?
    You have a bug - often called gastroenteritis which is vomiting which is often followed by diarrhea. You need to be taking small sips of clear liquids - water, room temperature white soda, gatorade frequently. Sometimes, you may vomit it back up but other times it will stay down. Once the vomiting has stopped, rapidly increase your liquid intake which will get you back on the road to recovery. If you do not vomit the liquids then gradually advance your diet to bland, soft diet which will then restore your energy. Vomiting is often followed by diarrhea which is your body's way of getting rid of the offending bug you have picked up. The diarrhea can last 2-3 days after the vomiting has stopped. For more information, you can go to WebMd.com and type in gastroenteritis and read up on this condition and recommended treatment.

    Who has had a twin sister who has passed away through ill health but know you will be together again one day?

    I know I will be with my beautiful twin sister when I pass over. I know that she is always with me cause I believe. I feel sorry for persons who think otherwise. They must be very sad when losing a loved one if they think that's that - why feel love then? It would be torture for them thinking they will never be with them again when I know they will be - thank you God for faith.Who has had a twin sister who has passed away through ill health but know you will be together again one day?
    My neighbor lost his twin brother in an accident, two years ago. He tells me that he knows he is still near because he can feel him. I believe him.

    I can't imagine the pain you've suffered. You have my deepest sympathy.Who has had a twin sister who has passed away through ill health but know you will be together again one day?
    You are correct. Your sister is probably standing behind you this minute. You could feel her presence if you relax, open yourself up to KNOW that only the vehicle we have using, the body, dies. The essence of who we are, goes on and I am sure that one day, your sister will let you know, somehow, that she is still with you.

    Does the light switch turn on by itself? There are all kinds of small ways that you may not even recognize. Send her love and tell her that you are going to be O.K. now, because you believe that she will always be with you.

    Saturday, August 21, 2010

    Is it too late to get rid of scar tissue after toe surgery a month ago? What would be the ill effects?

    I had surgery on my right great toe. I have scar tissue, but it hurts like heck to try to exercise my toe to remove it. What would happen if I did not remove it like the Doc wants me to.Is it too late to get rid of scar tissue after toe surgery a month ago? What would be the ill effects?
    listen to your doctor and not anyone of us on here, he knows best
  • skin
  • Poll- andielep has 'the lurgy'/'cooties' and is ill. What would you do or say to make me feel better?

    get a shower and meet me for lunch :)Poll- andielep has 'the lurgy'/'cooties' and is ill. What would you do or say to make me feel better?
    I would say this....


    Get well soon. xoPoll- andielep has 'the lurgy'/'cooties' and is ill. What would you do or say to make me feel better?
    Your married so I guess I would take you out for some hot soup.
    Circle. Dot. Cootie shot!
    Find someone who hasnt got their fingers crossed AND TAG EM!
    ';At least it's not AIDS!';

    dont give it to me!!

    Friend unexpectedly died and need songs to show ill miss him and will never forget him?

    my friend unexpecdly collapsed while running during football conditioning right next to his brother. he stopped breathing but was revived. then on the way to the hospital he died. no one expected it. he had no heathe problems that would lead to it. he was only 17. it hurt our whole entire school, even the kids who didnt know him. he was a friend of mine and i want some songs that tell that ill miss him and no one will ever forget him. any suggestions? and prayers for his family to, he was the middle of 5 kids.Friend unexpectedly died and need songs to show ill miss him and will never forget him?
    the new song by linkin park (shadow of the day) is a really nice song . i am sure it will fit just perfect. i am so sorry its really sad losing a special person like him.Friend unexpectedly died and need songs to show ill miss him and will never forget him?
    Goodbye My Friend - Susan Krauter

    Broken Road - Selah

    Friends are Friends Forever - Michael W. Smith
    Sad. How about Yesterday song from Beatles.
    one sweet day

    Ok then psychics :D tell me this... when will my ill health go away?

    iv been run down will one thing after another for around 6 weeks now, back at work after 9 months maternity leave tommorow night, so when will i feel better? there, thats a better question for youOk then psychics :D tell me this... when will my ill health go away?
    Like everyone, you will die.Ok then psychics :D tell me this... when will my ill health go away?
    I am no psychic, but I can tell you that they are either liars or inspired by satan. If you really want to find out, then you should pray and ask God for help, and then go to a doctor to see what they think. My advice is more aling the lines of ';Stay away from psychics!';
    I see you getting better in about a month. Yep, that's right.
    Your ill health will go away once the good vibes health take over.
    When your baby is born, yay!

    Has Eric swallowed a Thesaurus and will it make him ill poor lad?

    I couldn't help myself...It tasted good.Has Eric swallowed a Thesaurus and will it make him ill poor lad?
    Eating your words is always hard to digest.Has Eric swallowed a Thesaurus and will it make him ill poor lad?
    If he swallowed a thesaurus, he will not only be ill, but also unwell, not well, poorly, sick, under the weather, ailing, laid up, queasy, woozy, and in poor health. :o)
    No, Eric digested a synonym dictionary and it will make him a nauseous, unfortunate youth. But the fiber content is through the roof, so ya gotta weigh the positives too.
    I had heard rumor that Eric swallows. i cannot confirm it, though.

    I just ate a pizza that expired 10 days ago will I get ill? lol?

    It tasted fine I only just read the label oops lolI just ate a pizza that expired 10 days ago will I get ill? lol?
    If nothing has happened yet it probably won't happen.I just ate a pizza that expired 10 days ago will I get ill? lol?
    you might, did it look ok, i hope you looked at that, did you heat it up really well?was there seafood on it, then probably! was it frozen pizza? then No ? the dates are just there so you cant sue if u get really sick,lol! you will probably just have the runs, if anything lol
    did it look ok, did it smell ok, did it taste ok? if yes then probability not

    if there was meat or fish then it is more likely

    edit: was it a ';best before';, ';display untill'; or ';use by'; because only ';use by'; says that there might be something wrong with it after that date
    no it would effect you almost immediately so maybe a little diarrhea or maybe nothing but i don't advise doing this again out dated products could be very harmful to your body so consider yourself lucky and don't do it again
    IDK if you'll get sick, but you ALWAYS need to read the expiration date! That should be the first thing you do!!
    Food does not suddenly go toxic!

    The date just means it's past it's prime, so don't complain.
    if it was a frozen pizza then u have a good fighting chance :L

    Either way drink some water!
    I don't think you will be ill.But next time try to be more careful.

    Will you please pray for a friend? And for all those who are ill? Lorenzo a regular on R&S has had a massive?

    heart attack. Please pray for him and for all those who are ill and having hard times now. Thank you.Will you please pray for a friend? And for all those who are ill? Lorenzo a regular on R%26amp;S has had a massive?
    Yes and can we all add Benji (another regular) who is trying with all he is and a strong faith to beat cancer.Will you please pray for a friend? And for all those who are ill? Lorenzo a regular on R%26amp;S has had a massive?

    Report Abuse


    Report Abuse

    I am.
    You got it.
    Dear Lord Sweet Jesus I pray for Lorenzo and all of his friends and family and everyone who is going through hard times.Thank You Jesus,

    We Praise and worship You Jesus for answering this prayer.

    And I pray for Dear Tara Your little Angel that is so caring

    Put Your loving arms around them.

    In Jesus Name I pray.Amen.
  • skin
  • Will you be given the HPV vaccine if you're ill?

    If you're ill with a cold/sore throat will you still be given the injection?Will you be given the HPV vaccine if you're ill?
    People who are mildly ill when the shot is scheduled can still get HPV vaccine. People with moderate or severe illnesses should wait until they recover.Will you be given the HPV vaccine if you're ill?
    It is generally considered unwise to immunise when the potential recipient has an active infection. The main reason is that antibody response is reduced,ie the vaccine may fail to give immunity.There are also some concerns that the risk of side effects might be increased,though this remains unproven.

    Generally a delay of 10-14 days is advised.
    You be better off asking the person who will be administering the vaccine at the time of your appointment. They will nedd to examine you in order to make the decision. Generally though, if you've been ';fever-free'; for 24 hours you can have the vaccine.

    -Chad, RN
    Initially for sure, you need to elect yourself
    sometimes depends how bad it is

    Should I buy a new A/V receiver? Im afraid Ill buy a $700 receiver and then 1080 will be obsolete in a month.

    Your reason for a new receiver is, presumably, to get HDMI switching, maybe 1080p upconversion and maybe HD audio decoding. While that isn't the main reason for a receiver I can understand the attraction.

    HDMI 1.3 is able to handle higher resolution that 1080p (up to 2560x1600) so if the receiver has HDMI 1.3 built in you don't need to worry about obsolescence.

    That said, resolution higher than 1080p won't be available anytime soon for consumer video, and indeed most features in HDMI 1.3 are not yet implemented (e.g. deep colour, xvYCC colour space, 48 bit colour). You would be ahead of the curve by buying a receiver with HDMI 1.3.Should I buy a new A/V receiver? Im afraid Ill buy a $700 receiver and then 1080 will be obsolete in a month.
    1080p is not going to be absolete in a month. Buy without any worries. You will get your use out of the reciever.Should I buy a new A/V receiver? Im afraid Ill buy a $700 receiver and then 1080 will be obsolete in a month.
    1080p will not be obsolete (in practical terms) pretty much ever.

    A 480p or a 1028i TV are not obsolete now.

    Obsolete means not usable anymore.

    Even if everything on TV or disc ends up at a 1900 resolution someday, you will STILL be able to watch it on a 480p screen, and it will STILL look great.

    In realistic terms, most of what people watch today is bleow 700, and only VERY few things are even available in 1080 now.
    I would go ahead and get a new receiver. 1080 will not be obsolete any time soon. At least not for the consumer world.

    1080 really has nothing to do with your receiver unless you are looking to perform video switching with the receiver too.

    I am sure as long as it is only a switcher then it may even be able to handle higher resolutions anyway as they come available. I suspect that by the time 1080 is obsolete your receiver will also be obsolete. Do not be affraid to buy a new receiver.

    I feel so ill ( 8weeks pregnant), will it pass?

    I feel ill constantly, I am only 8weeks pregnant. I hate it! I feel sick all day long, feel like I have an hangover. I want to sleep all the time, never have energy to go to work. People say I just have to get on with it. I have just started a new job and it involves stnding up all day. I am anaemic, but trying to include iron in my diet and i take folic acid everyday. I feel like I'm dying! please help!!I feel so ill ( 8weeks pregnant), will it pass?
    Yes, it will pass. Hang in there.

    Try all the common tips, like eating a few crackers before even getting out of bed in the morning. Eating lightly often throughout the day and not a few big meals.

    Another thing that worked for me to help quell the nausea was adding fresh lemon to my water bottle and taking frequent sips. Something about the aroma and the sour taste made me feel better.

    Good luck, and congrats!I feel so ill ( 8weeks pregnant), will it pass?
    aww it should pass hun!!

    with my first i was suffering with this just for the first 3 months but with my second it was like that all the way through. every pregnancy is different, i didnt really find much that helped me either and it true you do just have to get on with it best way you can. I was working aswell and just explained to the managers that i had to take it slower (didnt tell anyone else at first at work) and they were find about it

    but once it passes you dont even remember how ya was feeling it just stops all of a sudden.

    ive just found out im preggers again and am waiting or the sickness to start, just hoping it not bad like last time.

    Good luck hun and congrats!!
    it's called morning sickness. I'm sure you'll be fine soon. Just gotta hang in there!
    only a few more weeks and you should feel better, sleep when you can as soon as you get home from work if you feel like it ,the first twelve weeks are the worse then you should get a second burst of energy good luck just think of what you will be getting at the end of it,
    its tough i know but it will most probably pass...i worked on my feet when i was pregnant andits a killer, just rest as much as you can....your bodys trying to tell you something. i couldnt explain just how tired i was i could barely keep awake

    the feeling sick lasted til about 10 weeks and exhaustion wore off around then too. hope you are the same and congrats
    Oh petal Im sorry your feeling so bad!

    It will pass, there arent many women who suffer this all the way through.

    If you feel sick try ginger biscuits...personally i hate them but they did get rid of the sickness.

    Take as many nreaks as you can %26amp; get a little sleep. Sounds daft at the work place, but you will feel much better for it.

    Good luck, hope it passes soon xxxxxx
    Its called morning sickness, better get used to it for the next 6/10 weeks that's how much longer you'll have that little joy for.

    I really sympathize with you, i dont know why they call it morning sickness because for me, like you it lasted all day long from the minute i woke up till the second i fell asleep. It will pass and some days will be worse than others. It will be gone before you know it and it is a good sign means your hormone levels are really good. And your beautiful baby in the end will have been worth every second.
    Oh poor you, I really feel for you, it will pass though, not long now until you start to feel a little better, get as much rest as you possibly can and don't listen to those who tell you to 'just get on with it' they aren't having to suffer like you are! I truly hope you feel better soon and remember it will all seem worth it when you hold your beautiful baby in your arms for the first time. Good Luck!!
    girl i am almost 5 weeks and i am exhausted and it sucks so bad.... i know how you feel i want to sleep all the time
    Hi, welcome to the world of pregnancy! The sick feeling should pass by about week 14, at least that is what I found this time around and it is most unusual to be sick all the way through, even though I was with my first [but DON'T expect it to].

    I am 22 weeks pregnant now but the tiredness has NOT passed. I am thankful that I do not work, I really do have sympathy for you, as I can rest when I like and as my other children are now teenagers, I can have a lie in too if and when I need to.

    Usually the Doctor/midwife can prescribe iron tablets, or you can take liquid iron, I think they say liquid iron is better as you are less likely to get constipated but you are sensible increasing your iron intake by diet.

    I'm in UK and you can get a special vitamin/mineral formula for pregnancy, Pregnacare, this has folic acid in it too, it may be worth a try. I take it you are only feeling sick and not actually being sick?

    Bear with it all. I now get terrible heartburn but with every pregnancy ';problem'; i've had I keep telling myself that it is only for a time and the joy of the new baby will far outweigh all the pregnancy problems! Otherwise we women would never have more than one baby.

    Try and rest as much as you can. All the best x
    If its affecting your life terribly I would go and see your GP. I suffered for weeks like this, and lost loads of weight. When I saw my GP she diagnosed hyperemesis gravidaurm (HG) and gave me some medication (totally safe for the baby) that has helped so much. I still don't feel great, and have the normal morning sickness/tiredness but it no longer takes over my life.

    Don't listen when people tell you just to get on with it, until someone has suffered from HG they have no clue how ill you feel. If you don't get help now you may become very dehydrated and malnourished and have to be admitted to hospital. As it happens, HG pregnancies have a lower miscarriage rate than normal, and there is no harm done to the baby unless you become severely dehydrated or malnourished. This website should give you some info and see if it matches your symptoms. Hope it eases up soon, you have my complete sympathy as I'm also going through it now
    Trust me it will pass hunni! I was exactly the same i am 13 weeks now and only just starting to feel a bit better!

    I wasn't able to lift my head some days and the only thing i wanted was to sleep and to be left alone. I was (and still am) finding it hard to eat due to sickness feelings!

    Couldn't you let your new boss' know that you are pregnant and need to take regular breaks and sit down? take a week of work if you need to? It says in all the things i got of my midwife that you don't usually start to feel better until the second trimester comes along. But good luck with your pregnancy and i hope everything starts to get better!

    Love Danni x
    try saltine crackers (just nibble on them) also weak tea helps. how long this goes on depends on the individual person and the individual pregnancy. do you have a doctor yet? if not GET one. he or she can can help you out. also don't eat three regular meals a day tre eating 5 or 6 smallrer meals if possible. that also helps with the morning sickness. eventually it does get better.
    it's normal.. I dunno when yours will pass every woman is different.. I had sickness 24'7 for 4 months straight.. it sucked..
    For most people, it passes by about the 12th - 14th week. If it's your first baby, nothing will have prepared you for the utter exhaustion of the first three months. You poor thing. Make sure your doctor knows how ill you feel; and if it doesn't pass by the 14th week, or if you are throwing up constantly, you may need some help at this stage.

    There is a condition called hyperemesis, where you are unable to keep even water down, and if this happens, you will need to be in hospital for rest and re-hydration.

    However, it's rare, so you should expect to be out of the woods in just over a month.
    Here's a story which may or may not help you.... I was sick first with the flu at 5 weeks and then I had hyperemesis up until I was 3 adn a half months. I couldnt eat anything or drink something simple as water.... I often thought about terminating the pregnancy as I couldnt think straight but luckily Ididnt (although, I must say that there were women out there who were vomiting more than me and I have no idea how they continued with their pregnancy)....I was off work for 6 weeks possibly more but I felt in hindsight now, that work helped take my mind off it even though at the time I didnt realise it. I tried all things ginger but my only saving grace was Pepsi max. (my poor baby will be born with a caffeine addictiction , im sure!LOL). Not all things work,but its nice thatpeople on here are caring enough to try and help, this board was also my saving grace through it all. I moaned everyday adn still, there were people trying to lift my spirits. I guess in all what I am trying to say is, stay with the board, there is tonnes of help, eat or drink what works for you, and DONT worry about the baby , he/she will get the nutrients it needs, from other parts of your body. IF in doubt, ALWAYS seek medical advoce, if something doesnt feel right make sure the doc takes note as you know your own body and insist upon them taking you seriously rather than putting it down to ';just being pregnant';. I got that at one point from a nurse and I ended up in hospital for 2 days on a drip as I knew I was dehydrated. I would also say that you *probably will find that from 12 to 14 weeks on, you will will see a light at the end of the tunnel and symptoms will start to eleviate.Good luck and feel free to email! YOu will be fine and keep in your mind that there is a wonderful gift waiting for you at the end.(Mind you, had anyone else said that to me yet again, i would have punched them!LOL and I am not a violent person)
    Dont worry u will get over it, i used to feel the same way, i used to sleep day and night . Now i feel much better, i am 18 weeks pregnant. So dont worry. Its just a part of bringing a beautiful life in to this world.
    I know everyone says the same thing but it does get better, even like at the moment it feels like it wont.

    At twelve weeks the baby will start using the placenta and when that happens u start to feel so much better.
    I used travel bands to help with the nausea. They go round you wrist and you can get them from most chemists. They worl on acupressure points and did help me. Also have you tried ginger in any kind of form as this too can help. As for it passing it depends on the each case sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. Overall in a few months it will be worth it.
    it should start to ease up soon. after the first trimester is over, things will start to get easier as your body has done alot of the work in the first three months. if you are still feeling ill after 3months, be sure to consult wh you doctor. CONGRATS!
    well im 14 so im limited about this info xD, but my mum was in same siuation as u cuz she was pregnant not long ago, eat loads of fruit and drink energetic drinks, get someone to help out at home[i.e ur partner or a freind or something, or if you have an older daughter/son] while you rest otherwise in day time youll be as stressful as ever,, drink plenty of water n nt just folic acid folic vitamins swell, dw after your birth you should start to be a bit more relieving, take some painkillers if it helps, remem plenty of rest gd luck =]! and my teaxcher takes lemon in water cuz shes preggy swell so tr tht it makes u fl better
    Hi Tessie, hang on in there because these feelings will pass. I too felt like you do but believe me it did get better. Apparently the more sick you feel the higher the pregnany hormone levels are at, so only good for a healthy baby. I was like you felt sick, tired, tearful and fed up all the time, I just felt ill. Then it got better... Try to rest as much as possible. Eat little and often and keep sugary snacks or a banana with you to top up sugar levels when needed. Hunger made me feel ill all the time. I'm now 20 weeks and have being feeling brilliant the past few weeks now that the ill feeling has passed. Congratulations! Take care and I hope you feel better soon. xxx
    it will get better honey. but you kind of just have to deal with it right now, sorry. i promise it'll get better though. just try to get as much rest as possible and sit down whenever you can while you are at work.
    hi I'm 35 weeks pregnant and i had the same thing you should take it easy for now and it will pass you wont feel like a zombie forever and if you are low on iron you should be having iron tablets see your doctor or midwife if you feel so bad and see if they can give you a sick note till you feel more human again if your employer knows your pregnant they should let you have regular rest anyway as you shouldn't be on your feet all day good luck xxx

    If i diet and exercise do u think ill get a six pack? if so how much longer do u think it will take?

    i'm 16 about 5' 8'; and weigh about 135lbs (im a girl) and i play basketball everyday and i'm trying to get in good shape for basketball and at the same time get a six pack...i have been running about 2 miles everyday jump roping about 2 days a week and i work out for basketball 5 days a week legs arms and abs...ive been known for being one of the most muscular girls on all my basketball teams but i have never really worked on abs until a couple months ago...i can somewhat see an outline of my abs but there is still a thin layer of fat over my abs...can i get a six pack? if so how much longer do you think it will take?If i diet and exercise do u think ill get a six pack? if so how much longer do u think it will take?
    3 weeks if you eat right. Eliminate junk food.If i diet and exercise do u think ill get a six pack? if so how much longer do u think it will take?
    You don't need to diet. You just need to eat healthily. It will take a number of months to achieve a six pack, but only if you eat healthily and exercise the abs and the rest of your body.

    Read the free report at http://www.firmupyourabs.com for advive on abdominal exercises, workout and nutrition to achieve a six pack
    We are the same age, height, and weight lol. I'm going to assume you're skinny since you get a lot of exercise(abs won't show up if there's fat around them) so I'll just tell you some exercises to do.

    Do either leg lifts or flipper leg lifts. For flipper leg lifts, lay on your back, pick your legs up 6 inches off the ground, and keep both legs straight while raising them up and down alternately(don't let them hit the ground). It really works the lower abs, and try to do it as long as you can, rest a while, and then go again.

    Another exercise that works them really good is laying off your bed, couch, a porch, or something like that and doing sit ups. You can bend your torso all the way down so that it's vertical and it's way harder than regular sit ups so you won't have to do 300 of them. I usually do like 3 sets of 50-100. You'll need to get someone to hold your legs or wedge them into something though.

    I don't care what that guy above me says, I don't get a good ab workout doing 3 set of 8 or whatever with 45 pounds. I'm working on an 8 pack and I always do at least 50 reps on whatever I'm doing. It would be okay to hold maybe a 10 pound weight behind your head while doing the sit ups off a porch or whatever, but you'd still have to do like 25 reps.

    If you work at it hard I think you'll see gradual results for about 3 weeks, and obvious ones in about 1-2 months. I didn't have abs when summer started after 6th grade, but I worked on it all summer and I had a 6 pack when school started back.
    Over doing weight exercises, to build muscle they need to be shocked eight or nine reps maximum but extreme.

    All that over exercising does is tighten the muscles which makes them contract but there building up stamina.

    Example Paula Radcliffe.
    Well basketball is exercising mainly your legs and arm strength not your core body as such, meaning you wont get a six pack this way. If you want one you should be doing more core work such as Sit-ups that kind of thing.
    The Muscle you are trying to tone up is known as the Rectus Abdominus which gives you that six pack you are wanting.

    The best solution is to exercise that muscle by doing sit up, crunches and using a free weight but look for exercises related to that playing sport over time will allow you to gain that six pack but how hard you work at it will vary the time it takes. For quicker results use centralised muscle training by using weights or doing basic exercise which are usually ground based. A usefull site I find is www.ExRx.net have a look through it and good luck

    Will my dog get ill from eating raw chicken skin? Please help as really worried!!!?

    I just caught my 8 month old mini schnauzer with his head in the bin and think he may have eaten the skin of 2 raw chicken breasts, will this make him ill or does raw chicken not have the same effect on animals as it does on humans???Will my dog get ill from eating raw chicken skin? Please help as really worried!!!?
    It's fine, many people feed their dogs an all-raw diet. Dogs have different digestive systems than humans, their bodies can handle bacteria better than human bodies can. (And when's the last time you saw wolves sitting around a campfire cooking up their meal?)

    .Will my dog get ill from eating raw chicken skin? Please help as really worried!!!?
    He'll probably have loose stools for a while, but it won't hurt him in any way unless he's allergic to chicken. If he gets severe diarrhea put him on a bland diet of boiled lean hamburger and rice. I also find that canned pumpkin (not pie filling) works great and is very good for the dog.
    Chicken skin is very fatty so your dog could have loose stools or a bout with HGE as my Rott did when my hubby fed him chicken skin w/o asking if it was alright. Keep an eye on him and if he gets very sick a vet visit is in order. HGE can kill a dog or Pancreatitis attacks could as well.
    no! he'll be fine!

    dog saliva contains stuff that kills bacteria. and they have a short digestive system, so what goes in, comes out quickly!
    Nah-my dogs ate raw meat all the time. It is nature's way after all. If it was bad skin, then he might get soft poop, but that's about it. We could eat raw skin too, but it would just taste gross and probably give us soft poo too.
    Raw chicken and raw chicken skins are O.K. for dogs.However if your dog is not used to eating raw chicken skin, he might have loose stools tomorrow but he won't become ill.
    he should be fine. some dogs actually have raw food diets and get fed raw meat on a regular basis. their stomachs dont react to it the same as our does....