Tuesday, August 24, 2010

If Joe Biden were to become mysteriously ill, would Obama put Hillary on the ticket?

No. Because he would spend the next four years looking over his shoulder....and wondering if and when she was going to have him 'taken care of'..... If Joe Biden were to become mysteriously ill, would Obama put Hillary on the ticket?
That is what I call the 'Hail Hillary'; scenario. You never know. They might try it once Obama/Biden is 20 points down in the polls. It depends on when McCain hits those numbers. With the McCain surge being so success full, it might be in October. And Hill might say no. Good question.

EDIT: Agree with Aaron s. Your avatar fits.If Joe Biden were to become mysteriously ill, would Obama put Hillary on the ticket?
i think they should keep all the hammers and sharp objects out of obamas reach or perhaps biden should go into hiding..lol cause i at this point with obama losing his mind..nothing would surprise me..i wonder if he goes home and smacks michelle around
Well you know Rudy warned Biden to get that VP offer in writing ..

and any thing is possible . hey don't count Hillary out yet .
No, because a few months later, Obama will become mysteriously ill also.
Yes... I was just talking to Barack a few minutes ago and we were talking about just that and he said ' yes yes.. I would put Hilllary on the ticket yes yes......';';';

zzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzZZz !!
Yeah, then Hillary would assasinate him like she said she would and become president.
I love your avatar. Obama is Jimmys son.
If only we could just do this whole thing over, we wouldn't even need to contemplate that.
I think Hilary would laugh him off the phone if he called on her to do that.
No, Biden would have to remove himself
No, he hates Hillary; but, has to call upon her to help him try to win.
Nobody wants Hillary except you GOP members because you think it would make Obama look fickle. Next.

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