Saturday, July 31, 2010

Will liberals still like Obama care once someone in their family gets very ill and can't get a surgery?

to save their life?Will liberals still like Obama care once someone in their family gets very ill and can't get a surgery?
Whats really pathetic is that the Left actually thinks Obamacare is about receiving free healthcare when in fact its ONLY about giving individuals access to affordable healthcare insurance. I swear these Obamabots all think that theyre going to be able to walk into any given hospital and say 'Well Obama is president so I want my healthcare!'

I'm truly TRULY embarrassed for the Left.Will liberals still like Obama care once someone in their family gets very ill and can't get a surgery?
I enjoy reading answers from those uniformed YA that have no experience in socialize medicine living in Britain and Canada I can talk from practical experience I will list just some of the drawbacks that these meatheads have never considered.

1. You will have some faceless government bureaucrat determining if you are worthy for a treatment medicine, or too old enough to be worth society time and money


2. Unable to sue the government negligence and malfeasance will explode exponentially since there will be little accountability.

3. With government running things don't get sick on the weekend, fridays, after 5pm or holidays just look at all the other government agencies.

4. With government run health care the rich will find a way to access a separate system even if they have to go abroad taking the best doctors and facilities with them leaving the doctors in the bottom of their school to work for the government.

5. I will sum it up simply Obama and the other politicians pushing this on you will exempt themselves from this system just like they have done with medicare and social security because they know crap when they see after all they the ones creating it
No, because they won't get it from Canada or Mexico, like a lot of Canadians and some Mexicans come across our borders to get here. Once America adopts a failing health-care system exactly like Canada's, England's, no one in the world except the very rich will be happy with this medical get by but many die system.

Ronald Reagan predicted what would happen, and even explains how the Liberals would try and pass UHC off as humanitarian, and how it is a lie. Who is happy with Medicaid/Medicare?????

SPEAK UP LIBS!!!!! Are you happy with MEDICAID and MEDICARE? That is what you will be forcing on ALL Americans, even YOUR children! UHC is a shambles! Ask those on Medicaid, and Medicare, and the state of Massachusetts who tried it and it failed them!!!

Reagan warns of the Lib lie of Universal Health-Care in 1961

Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine鈥?/a>

From a Canadian today:

Letter: It's a slippery slope to socialized medicine

by The Ann Arbor News

Monday July 06, 2009, 11:50 AM

If you would like to see, first hand, Canadians waiting for health care, perhaps you should make the drive. I am Canadian. I don't need a reminder.

Fixing problems with health care is on the agenda of every Canadian political party in every election, federal or provincial - hardly a symptom of a system that's working. Governments struggle to bring down the lengths of waiting lists and hospitals hold pancake breakfasts to raise money for an MRI. At the rate they are growing they will take up 100% of Ontario's budget in only a few decades.

While the government has a lot of proper functions, suggesting that government running health care is appropriate simply because government runs the military seems misleading.

The fact is that everywhere it has been tried, socialized medicine leaves people waiting on lists in pain or dying. No number of hypocritical Republican legislators or well-meaning Democratic ones will change that.

No one should dispute that changes need to be made to the current system. We can already see the trademark effects of government intervention: higher costs, some rationing, and Medicare and Medicaid with unbelievable unfunded costs that will burden future generations.

Moving in the direction of rationing and waiting lists just for the sake of doing something, though, is a mistake.鈥?/a>
That already happens now genius, go to the hospital with no insurance, go bankrupt. Just try to schedule non-emergency surgery for a life threatening conditiion with no insurance, they will probably say NO, but if they do, they will sue you for unpaid debts and eventually bankrupt you.
Are you working for PHARMA, the hospitals, insurance.

What were you saying when DUBYA sold Medical Part D which grew the government BUT ONLY for BIG BUSINESS.

Since 2002 when they passes Medical Part D our premiums are higher and we get less while big business get more.

THIS IS for everyone.

America has done fine with medicare, medicaid and VA, I have not heard of medical care from any of these sources that were NOT envied.
I think they're deciding to get even instead. They don't work and don't have insurance. This makes them bitter. By foisting Obama's socialized plan on the rest of us, complex surgeries will be rationed away so they can get free flu shots.

Bitter, bitter dems.
FACT: In countries with socialized medicine, emergency surgery is ALWAYS performed immediately. Non-life threatening surgeries may get a couple months of delay, but never life-threatening ones.
Don't kid yourself, that is what is happening now.鈥?/a>
Yes, because in Wonderland, Alice can blame Bush and Cheney for ever and ever.
50 million Americans without health care. That was before last January.
I think some of them will like Obama anything til the end.
Blame Bush is their only answer
They'll find a way to blame it on Bush.
Wow you neocons sure are desperate. What part of the last election did you not get? You all have been doing nothing but lying for more than eight years. The people have had enough of your fear mongering and racist rhetoric. WE said it loud and clear yet you still are in denial. Republican leadership has bankrupted this great nation.The conservative experiment was a complete failure. But yet you still want us to believe you had it right. The days of bitter old white guys calling the shots is over. Your questions and statements are pathetic.
Fearmongering with lies is the sign of someone in a very weak position.

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