I feel ill constantly, I am only 8weeks pregnant. I hate it! I feel sick all day long, feel like I have an hangover. I feel sleepy but can't sleep do to discomfort, never have energy, so far not liking this pregnancy thing at all. At first I was so excited to be pregnant, that is until the all day sickness started. Any advise for me, I know Im being a bit dramatic, but I can only take this constant illness feeling for so long before i start to lose it. Any advise is greatly appriciated.I feel so ill (8 weeks pregnant) is this normal? will it pass?
I was feeling exactly the same as you, and trust me you are not being dramatic it really is horrible! It will stop most likly at the end of your first trimester so around week 13-14 and your energy levels will pick up also. I was excited at first too and then as soon as the all day sickness started i had no idea why i wanted to get pregnant in the first place lol. The 2nd trimester is so much more enjoyable and when the sickness subsides you will enjoy your pregnacy alot more! You should try ginger tablets they helped me alot with the nausea and panadol for the headaches. try and keep your fluids up and make sure you have someone to talk to about how you are feeling, i got so depressed being sick all the time i dont think i would have got through it if it wasnt for my mum listening to my cry everyday about how i was feeling. If you dont have anyone to talk to then plz feel free to email me any time. Good luck i hope it ends really soon for you!I feel so ill (8 weeks pregnant) is this normal? will it pass?
Sounds like you're having a horrible time of it honey. I'm sorry to hear you're so miserable. One thing that can help with the sickness is talking to your doctor about prescribing you phenagran (not sure of the spelling). It worked wonders for me. It also helped greatly with sleeping as even half one puts me to bed! It's also perfectly safe during pregnancy to take. But make sure you get it from your doctor and not a friend to make sure there's no reason you personally don't need to take it. I'm being over cautious here, but wouldn't want to cause you any issues.
If it's any consolation, after your first trimester, things get better for nearly all pregnant women. The sickness will pass soon and you'll have lots more energy.
Congrats on the baby and good luck!
Hope you feel better soon!
Well I am right there with you. I am 9 weeks pregnant and have been diagnosed with basically really severe morning sickness. If it is just feeling nauseous try eating small meals throughout the day. Ginger helps some people, suck on lemon drops or sour candy, keep saltines close by, try and eat healthy foods as grease can make the sickness worse. If you are having a real bad day and throwing up a lot try popsicles and jello to keep you hydrated. If you get to the point were you can't keep anything down including liquids go to the hospital you may be dehydrated..(I have been 4 times already all overnight stays). Good luck sweetie..keep your head up. It will most likely end at the end of the first trimester or at least lessen. It is not typically to last the entire pregnancy. Whoever thought to call it ';morning sickness'; was clearly not a woman who had to deal with it. lol.
yep it's normal. it will pass in about 4-6 weeks and then you'll hate being pregnant due to back pain and painful ficks to the ribs and raxton hicks contraction. pregnancy is not the fun part it's what come after that is fun. You know staying up to all hours of the ight with a screaming callicy baby or getting work up every 2-4 hours to feed, changing poopy diapers and getting peed an pooped and puked on. It all pases and yet your still left with a beautiful little one that you created. all the sucky stuff is totally worth it in the end.
I was the same way and it started getting better at 12 weeks. I kept saltines or a snack near me all the time and I slept or laid on the couch the moment I walked in the door from work. I swore I was never doing this again everyday, but now at 20 weeks I'm taking that back. Congrats and hang in there. It's rough as hell, but think of the wonderful end result and just wait til you see your baby on a sonogram!!!
It is normal, it will pass, and it really sucks. I had it for six month, throwing-up anywhere from twice to 12 times a day.
Now, 9 years after, I still get squeezie when I smell Oregano and a certain brand of cigarettes, but I can gladly report: apricots are my friend, again.
';morning'; sickness is the worst! Keep crackers next to your bed and eat a couple before even putting your feet on the ground when you wake up...That should help a little bit...Crackers anytime will help settle your stomach...so will gingerale...or most things with real ginger.Sprite helps some people too. If its really horrible,ask your doctor on your next visit if they can give you something for the nausea :D Good Luck !
Welcome to morning sickness,there are alot of things I tryed none of them worked.Sometime's your doctor can give you medicine for it if it is really bad.As far as how long it will last is up to your body.My frist one I threw up for the whole nine month's this one I only threw up for five month's.
Yes that is normal I felt like that, I had morning sickness for like 5 months with my first one. it will ease up, it just takes time, try eating like crackers before getting out of bed. try to eat five small meals a day that don't make you feel sick.
yuk hated that feelin. I couldnt get my head out of the toilet i felt like i had the flu should pass by the second trimester try saltines ginger ale. good luck youll be laughing at it later tellin your child about it bear with it will be gone soon.
The one thing that always helped me was sucking on sugar free hard candies. Not sure why, but I don't like to question a blessing. I was nauseous in my second pregnancy all the way up to week 17. It really sucks. Rest as much as possible. I've also heard lemonade can help.
Its called morning sickness darlin, and yes it is a buzz kill for being pregnant but everyone goes through it. It will pass eventually at around three months..well thats when it did for me. Eat crackers, it helps. Congrats
I'm 8 weeks too, and I feel EXACTLY the same way.. I also wonder how long this can go on for..
Hopefully when we reach 12 weeks it will start getting better.
Good luck, I know how you feel...
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