What about the patient, will god send them to burn?
..Will a doctor go to hell for administering Nembutal庐, to relieve a terminally ill patient from a painful death
No, it's all superstition. The doctor will probably just go to jail for doing the right thing.Will a doctor go to hell for administering Nembutal庐, to relieve a terminally ill patient from a painful death
I don't know if they'll go to hell, but I believe it's a breach of the Hippocratic Oath.
If the doctor is euthanizing someone..that is murder. He is also violating his oath of doing no harm. Murder is pretty danged harmful.
I hate to burst your bubble, but Hell only exists here on earth. The doctor and the patient will take a trip to the Other Side, as we all will, without having to burn for being human.
No and no. Euthenasia is a mercy, not a sin.
No. God is a superstition. Heaven and Hell don't exist.
you ask this question with the assumption that someone will actually know the answer.
i would hope not - since hell doesn't exist. it would be like going to an amusement park that had been closed for 20 years. no one would have any fun and someone might fall in something.
No. He is doing that patient a great service.
If the drug is given to alleviate pain, that is legitimate medical treatment. If the drug is given with the intent of killing the patient, that is murder, regardless of the motive. And yes, premeditated murder is always a matter of mortal (spiritually deadly) sin.
No, but the shareholders of the pharmaceutical companies who lobby the lawmakers to make draconian laws might.
The patient? Not for euthanasia.
Catholic theology is so wonderful. Your problem -- if you are serious -- is what is covered by the principle of the Double Effect. Now go look that up. I had this very real-life question to answer myself.
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